Diploma Courses

Diploma in Art Education

The Diploma in Art Education Course is primarily designed to meet the needs of Art Teachers so as to equip them for Art Teaching in the collegiate Institutions including Higher Art Institutions and also to enable them to acquire sufficient knowledge for being able to supervise the teaching of other collegiate teachers, if they are promoted to the supervisory posts in the collegiate institutions.
As regards teaching of practical subjects in Art, the main stress would be on the methods of teaching these subjects in collegiate institutions including Higher Art institutions. Hence project work involving teaching practice and experimentation has been included in the class work as a compulsory part of the examination pattern.

Diploma In Art Education (DIP. A. ED.)


  • Composition in Painting - Relief Sculpture or Print Making
  • Still Life/Poster Design


  • Psychological Foundations of Education
  • Philosophical and Sociological Foundation
  • Methods of Instructions and Evaluation Procedure
  • Sculptural Composition (Round)
  • Special Methods of Teaching Art

Practical Lessons

  • Ten Lessons in Secondary or Higher Secondary Schools
    Internship for nine days (i.e. 45 hours in Higher Art Institutions. Three weeks Three days consecutively in one week) Project Work 75 Hrs.